YouTube - 99 ballonsI am an instuctor in the relief society, and I have the wonderful oppertunity to teach the lessons from the general conference talks (TFOT). Today my lesson way from president Monson's talk " Finding joy in the journey". What a wonderful talk it was! It talks about no matter what changes good or bad we go thru in life, or challenges whatever they may be that we endure, we need to relish in life and find joy in everything! I was so grateful for the oppertunity to teach this lesson, it was probably one of my favorite talks I have taught from! We are so blessed and have so much to be thankful for! Don't let the hussel and bussel of life keep us from enjoying the moments with our loved ones! Let us remember what is truly important in life, so that we don't find ourselves full of regret because we thought we would have all the time in the world to do everything we want to do. My favorite quote in this talk is "You pile up enough tomorrows, and you’ll find you’ve collected a lot of empty yesterdays" let us enjot the journey now! This video is a perfect example of why it is so important to enjoy every moment we have with our loved ones, and be thankful for what we have! I know it has made me rethink what is important to me, and hope it does the same for you! Just click on the link YouTube - 99 ballons above, and it takes you to youtube. Then click on the 99 ballons video.