Thursday, January 31, 2008

I've Been (Hubby) Tagged!

Thanks to Melissa for tagging me (& Scott!)


WHAT IS HIS NAME? Scott Patrick English

HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN TOGETHER? It will be 4 years this July from when we started dating.

HOW OLD IS HE? Scott will be 28 this May.

WHO EATS MORE? Scott for sure, he usually finishes what I don't eat.

WHO SAID "I LOVE YOU" FIRST? Scott did, but i wanted to say it the night I met him!

WHO IS TALLER? Scott is. I am 5'4 and he is 6'3. Just a little bit

WHO SINGS BETTER? Scott does, I think he is a great singer! I hope avery gets her singing voice from her dad and not me!

WHO IS SMARTER? For sure Scott!

WHO DOES THE LAUNDRY? That would be me for sure. Once in a while Scott trys to help out, but man he is a slow folder! I worked at a clothing store for 3 years so I have a paticular way of folding the clothes, and I can fold 10 things in the time Scott folds 2 things. No offense babe!

WHO DOES THE DISHES? That is one thing that I think we are pretty even on. It just all depends, but Scott does a great job helping put with the dishes.

WHO PAYS THE BILLS? Scott works hard to bring in the money to pay the bills, but I am the one that sends to money in the pay them.

WHO MOWS THE LAWN? That would be me. Once again I have a paticular way of mowing the lawn, and Scott thinks that I am crazy for mowing it twice every time so I do, but I don't mind.

WHO COOKS DINNER? Most of the time Scott does, he is a far better cook than I am. One in a while I get ambitious and try to make a great meal from the cook book my mother-in-law gave me, but Scott definetly cook more than I do. I am a lucky girl!

WHO DRIVES WHEN YOU ARE TOGETHER? Scott does, I'm not really sure why that is because i like to drive too, but it just ends up that way every time we go somewhere together.

WHO IS MORE STUBBORN? Depends on what the situation is, but I would have to say it is probably me.

WHO KISSED WHO FIRST? Scott kissed me first on our 3rd date, but I could tell he was very nervous. We were at his place, and all if the sudden he said to me I think I over analize things to much. I asked him what he was talking about, and told me he was thinking about kissing me, but he wasn't sure if he should. So I told him to stop over analizing things, and so he procedded to go in for the kiss! I thought it was cute how nervous he was.

WHO PROPOSED? Scott did! He took me up to a place called secret lake (that is where we went on our first date.) He had he sister Melissa and her boyfriend Chip go up earlier and set up a blanket, I beilieve it was two dozen roses, and some sparkling cider right next to the lake. When we got up there Scott got down on one knee and asked me to marry him! I was very sweet!!

WHO IS MORE SENSITIVE? I would have to say I am. Like my sister-in-law Melissa I too cry at commercials.

HOW HAS MORE FRIENDS? That is a toss up, but I think that Scott has a little more. Someday we might actually start hang out with them more?

WHO HAS MORE SIBLINGS? I do, but just by one. Scott has 4 and I have 5.

WHO WEARS THE PANTS IN THE FAMILY? I think that we trade off all the time, because we are both layed back, but we both like to call the shots.

Scott is the best thing that has ever happened to me! He has done so much for me I am so lucky? I am so grateful to him for giving me the most beautiful daughter in the world! Also I am thankful that he supports my dream of being a stay at home mom, it isn't always easy but Scott makes it possible for me to stay home. I really have been blessed with an amazing Husband! I couldn't imagine life without him. I love with all of my heart Babe!!!!


Melissa said...

That was fun to read. I didn't know some of those things about the two of you! FUN!

Melissa said...

Okay Ali - I know it is hard for you to update your blog - ha ha! But I was tagged again, so guess what...I tagged you again! Go to my blog for instructions!

Douglas Anderson said...

I love learning new things about people.